Domenii de competenţă:
- Oligomeri reactivi şi reacţii de polimerizare: monomeri derivaţi de la hidraţii de carbon şi polimrizarea acestora; polimerizare în front şi polimerizări radicalice.
- Ingineria reacţiilor chimice: reactoare chimice echipate cu promotori statici de amestecare; modelarea şi simularea proceselor chimice.
- Chimie coloidală aplicată: sinteza de agenţi activi de suprafaţă şi aplicaţii;
- Cataliză: eterogenă şi cu transfer interfazic
Publicaţii ştiinţificce: peste 60 de articole publicate; 26 brevete de inven
Principalele lucrări publicate:
- Pană A.M., Ştefan L.M., Bandur G., Sfîrloagă P., Gherman V., Silion M., Popa M., RUSNAC L.M., Novel Glycopolymers Based on d- Mannose and Methacrylates: Synthesis, Thermal Stability and Biodegradability Testing, Journal of Polymers and the Environment 2013, 21(4), 891 – 994
- Rafailă M., Pascariu M.-C., Gruia A. Penescu , M., Purcarea V.L., Medeleanu M., Rusnac L. – M., Davidescu C. GC-MS Analysis of long chain mannofuranose derivatives as biocompatible surfactants precursors. Correlation between peak intensities and stability of corresponding fragments, Farmacia 2013, 61 (1), 116
- Ştefan L.M., Pană A.M., Bandur G., Martin P., Popa M., RUSNAC L.M., Thermal analysis of new glycopolymers derived from monosaccharides, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2013, 111 (1), 789 - 797, doi: 10.1007/s10973-012-2543-
- Pascariu M.C., RUSNAC L.M., Macsim A. M., Tethered glycoderivatives with unsaturated spacer: Synthesis and Characterization, Synthetic Communications 2012, 42 (17), 2503-2511
- Pană A.M., Gherman V., Sfîrloagă P., Bandur G., Ştefan L.M., Popa M., RUSNAC L.M. Thermal stability and biodegradation of novel D-mannose based glycopolymers, Polym Test, 2012, 31 (3), 384-392
- Rusu G., Joly N., Bandur G., Manoviciu I., Martin P., RUSNAC L., Inulin mixed esters crosslinked with 2-ethyl-hexyl-acrylate and their promotion as bio-based materials, J Polym Res, 2011, 18 (6), 2495-2504
- Pascariu M.-C., RUSNAC L. M, Selective deprotection of tethered glycoderivatives with unsaturated spacer, Heterocycl. Commun., 2011, 17 (3-4), 99-103
- Ştefan L.M., Pană A.M., Pascariu M.C., Şişu E, Bandur G., RUSNAC L.M., Synthesis and characterization of a new methacrylic glycomonomer, Turkish J Chem, 2011, 35 (5), 757-767
- Pană A.M., Bandur G., RUSNAC L.M., Silion M., Thermal analysis of glycopolymers obtained by copolymerization of a new D-glucose oligomer with 2-hydroxy-propyl acrylate, Journal of Material Science and Engineering A, 1, 2011, 342-351
- Pană A.M., RUSNAC L.M., Bandur G., Silion M., Deleanu C., and Bălan M., Novel D-glucose and D-mannose based oligomers. Synthesis and characterization, e-Polymers, 2011, art. no. 004, 1-13
- A.M.Pană , L.M. RUSNAC , G. Bandur ., Şişu E, V. Badea , M. Silion, Synthesis and characterization of new glycopolymers based on monosaccharides and maleic anhydride. I. Glucose derivatives, Materiale Plastice (Bucureşti), 47 (1), 2010, 28-34
- I. Şişu, V. Udrescu, C. Flangea, S. Tudor, N. Dinca, L.M. RUSNAC, A. Zamfir, E. Şişu, Synthesis and structural characterization of amino-functionalized polysaccharides, Central European Journal of Chemistry 7, 2009, 66-73
- I. Sălăgean, G. Bandur, P. Martin, V. Lequart, L.M. RUSNAC, Synthesis and Characterization of some Carbohydrate Based Monomers, Rev.Chim. (Bucureşti) 60(9), 2009, 905-908
- G. Heghesus-Mandru, R. Biron, Delia Perju, L.M. RUSNAC, Cation contents in natural mineral waters of Romania determined with the HPLC method, J.Food, Agriculture and Environment 6, 2008, 5006-5009
- S. Marinescu, L.M. RUSNAC, F.Dobren, Influences of the growth of the carbon dioxide emissions depending on the process of photosynthesis in Timişoara, the 19th International Daam Symposium, Proceedings of the 19th International Daam Symposium, Trnava, Slovakia, 2008, 22-25 oct, ISSN 1726-9687
- G. Rusu, G. Bandur, L.M. RUSNAC, I. Manoviciu, V. Pode, N. Joly., P.Martin, Recovery of new inulin esters as biodegradable compounds, Mat. Plastice (Bucuresti) 44(2), 2007, 112-117
- G. Bandur, L.M. RUSNAC, A. Petrean, G. Grandtner, N. Plesu, M.J.M. Abadie, L’etude de la reactivite de quelques monomers acryliques et methacryliques avec un double lien, Revue Roumaine de Chimie 2007, 52(4), 339 Roumaine de Chimie 52(4), 2007, 339
- G. Bandur, L.M. RUSNAC, A. Petrean, G. Grandtner, N. Pleşu, M.J.M. Abadie, Studiul reactivităţii unor monomeri acrilici şi metacrilici cu două duble legături, Materiale Plastice 43(4), 2006,330
- G. Grandtner, N. Joly, J.P. Cavrot, R. Granet, G. Bandur, L.M. RUSNAC, P. Martin, P. Krausz,Synthesis of plastic films from inulin by acylation, Polymer Bulletin 55(4), 2005, 235
- G. Grandtner, M. Joly, J.P. Cavrot, R. Granet, G. Bandur, L.M. RUSNAC, P. Martin, P. Krausz,Synthesis of fructooligosaccharide-based plastic films starting from inulin, E-Polymers, 2005, Art. No. 051, Jul.22
- M.A. Blaga, Gh. Juncu , L.M. RUSNAC, O.A. Novac, C. Csunderlik; Continuous Flow Polymerisation of Vinylic and Acrylic Monomers. I. Homo-polymerisation of Styrene and Methylmethacrylate, Rev. Roum.Chim. 44, 1999,287-298
- L.M. RUSNAC and R. Vladea Continuous hydrogenation of vegetableoils in reactors equipped with static mixers; J. Am. Oil. Chem. Soc. 69 (4), 1992, 384