Dr.Ing. Sabina Violeta Niţu (fost cǎsǎtoritǎ Mahagney)
Ÿ lucrări ştiinţifice în reviste cotate ISI:
1. L. Rusnac, Sabina Mahagney (Nitu), „Gemini-un nou tip de surfactanţi,” Rev. Chim. 48, 1997, p. 684-690.
2. Niţu S. V, Bercean V. N., Badea V. Creangǎ A-A. „Azoic compounds obtained from 1H-5-amino-4-ethoxycarbonyl-3-methyl-pyrazole and phenols or phenolic derivatives”, Revista de Chimie 59 (12), 2008., p. 1352-1354.
3. Bercean V.N., Niţu S. V, Badea V.,. Nicolescu A, Csunderlik C. New Azo Compounds Derived from 1H-5-amino-4-ethoxycarbonyl-3-methyl-pyrazole and 3-mono- or 1,3-disubstituted pyrazol-5-ones, Rev Chim. 61, (4), 2010, p. 364-367.
4. Bercean V.N., Niţu S. V, Badea V., Ordodi L., Csunderlik C., „Azo compounds derived from 1H-5-amino-4-ethoxycarbonyl-3-methyl-pyrazole and phenols or phenolic derivatives and possibilities of their cyclization to pyrazolo[5,1-c]benzo[1,2-e][1,2,4]triazines, in press Rev. Chim, 62, 2011, (acceptat spre publicare, adev. Nr. 41/20.09. 2010)
5. Paladi A., Florea L., Gerasimou E., Niţu S.V, Csunderlik C., Simon M., „Study of the N-methylcarbamylsuccinamic Acid Synthesis”, Rev Chim. 61, (9), 2010, p. 838-840.
6. Bercean V.N., Niţu S. V, Badea V., Ordodi L., Csunderlik C., „Azo compounds derived from 1H-5-amino-4-ethoxycarbonyl-3-methyl-pyrazole and phenols or phenolic derivatives and possibilities of their cyclization to pyrazolo[5,1-c]benzo[1,2-e][1,2,4]triazines, in press Rev. Chim, 62, 2, 2011
7. Adil Palani, Valentin Badea, Evangelos Gerasimou, Sabina Niţu, Carol Csunderlik, Monika Simon, Synthesis of various n-carbamylamic acids, Rev. Chim. 62, 5, 2011
8. Adil Palani, Valentin Badea, Evangelos Gerasimou, Sabina Niţu, Carol Csunderlik, Monika Simon, " Synthesis of N-carbamylimides by a New More Efficient Method " , Rev. Chim. 62, 6, 2011
- 1 lucrare ştiinţifică în reviste cotate B+
1. [*] Nitu, S.V., Bercean, V.-N., Badea, V., Csunderlik, C.
, Azoic Compounds Obtained from 1H-4-ethoxycarbonyl-3-methyl-5-amino-pyrazole and 1,3-disubstituted 1H-pirazol-5-ones, Chem. Bull. “Politehnica” Univ. Timisoara, 53 (67) 1-2, 2008.
5 lucrǎri ştiinţifice prezentate la conferinţe naţionale
1. L. Rusnac, Sabina Mahagney, E. Bǎlan, “Diglicidil eterii-precursori ai grupelor conectoare din moleculele de surfactanţi Gemini “, a XXIIIa Sesiune de comunicǎri ”OLTCHIM” , Cǎciulata, 8-10 Octombrie 1997, vol I, p. 181-186.
2. E. Bǎlan, Sabina Mahagney, L. Rusnac, “Studiul sintezei compuşilor epoxidici în catalizǎ cu transfer de fazǎ”, a XXIVa Sesiune de comunicǎri ”OLTCHIM” , Cǎciulata, 8-10 Octombrie 1998.
3. [*] Niţu S.V., Bercean V.-N., Ledeţi I., Badea V., Csunderlik C., “Noi coloranţi pirazolil-azo-fenolici complexabili, intermediari în sinteza pirazolo[5,1-c]benzo[1,2-e][1,2,4]triazinelor” , XXX-th Romanian Chemistry Conference, oct. 2008, Cǎlimǎneşti-Cǎciulata, Romania, PSI-45.
4. [*] Nitu, S.V., Bercean, V.-N., Badea, V.,
Csunderlik, C.
, Azoic Compounds Obtained from 1H-4-ethoxycarbonyl-3-methyl-5-amino-pyrazole and 1,3-disubstituted 1H-pirazol-5-ones, International Conference on Chemistry and chemical Engineering, Timişoara, May 28-30, 2008, P. 312.
5. Ionuţ Ledeţi, Vasile Bercean, Ionuţ Tănase, Anda Creangă, Valentin Badea, Sabina Niţu, Carol Csunderlik, Synthesis and characterization of some new azomethine derivatives of 4H-4-amino-3-aryl-5-ethoxycarbonyl-methylsulfanyl-1,2,4-triazoles as potent anti-inflamatory agents, New trends and strategies in the chemistry of advanced materials, 5-6 november 2009, Proceedings of The third edition of the Symposium with International Participation Timişoara, p.46-50, ISSN 2065-0760.
6. Gerlinde RUSU, Sabina NITU, Lucian RUSNAC, Geza BANDUR, “Polymerization kinetic analysis of some Glycerol and Glucose based polymers”, Macromolecular Symposia, Aceptată spre publicare