1.-Adriana Popa, Mihaela Ciopec, Adina Negrea, Lavinia Lupa, Petru Negrea, Corneliu M. Davidescu, Gheorghe Ilia, Narcis Duteanu, Use of styrene–divinylbenzene grafted with aminoethylaminomethyl groups and various ionic liquids in the removal process of thallium and strontium, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2014, 86 (11), p: 1741-1753.
2.- Dan,M.,Pralong,V.,Vaszilcsin,N.,Kellenberger,A., Duteanu,N., Electrochemical Behaviour of YBaCo4O7 in alakaline aqueous solutions, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2010, 15 (6), p. 1227 - 1233.
3.-Duteanu,N.M.,M.M.Ghangrekar,B.Erable,andK.Scott, Microbial fuel cells - an option for wastewater treatment.In press,2010.
4.-Ghangrekar,M.M., S.S.R. Murthy,M. Behera, andN. Duteanu, Effect of sulfateconcentrationin the wastewateron microbialfuel cell performance. In press,2010.
5.-Duteanu,N.,B.Erable,K.S.M.Senthil,M.M.Ghangrekar,andK.Scott,Effect of chemically modified Vulcan XC-72R on the performance of air breathing cathode in a single chamber Microbial Fuel Cell.Bioresource Technology,2010, 101: p.5250-5255.
6.-MakarandMadhaoGhangrekar,V.B.S., Narcis Mihai Duteanu, Effect of wastewatercharacteristicsand biomassgrowthin cathode compartment on performance of membrane-less microbial fuel cell. Revista De Chimie, 2010, 61(3):p.272-280.
7.- Erable,B.,N.M. Duteanu,M.M.Ghangrekar,C.Dumas,andK.Scott,Application of electro-active biofilms. Biofouling, 2010. 26(1):p.57-71.
8.-Erable,B.,N.Duteanu,S.M.S.Kumar,Y.J.Feng,M.M.Ghangrekar,andK.Scott, Nitric acid activation of graphite granules to increase the performance of the non-catalyzed oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) for MFC applications.Electrochemistry Communications, 2009.11(7):p.1547-1549.
9.-Scott,K.,E.Yu,G.Vlachogiannopoulos,M.Shivare,andN.Duteanu, Performance of a direct methanol alkaline membrane fuel cell. Journal of PowerSources, 2008. 175(1), p.452-457.
10.-Kellenberger,A.,N.Vaszilcsin,N.Duteanu,M.L.Dan,andW.Brandl, Structure, Morphology And Electrochemical Properties Of High Surface Area Copper Electrodes Obtained By Thermal Spraying Techniques.StudiaUniversitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 2008. 53(1): p.89-96.
11.-Duteanu,N.,A.Kellenberger,N.Vaszilcsin,andK.Scott, Studieson Sodium Borohydride Fuel Cells.Revista De Chimie, 2008. 59(12): p. 1361-1365.
12.-N.Vaszilcsin,A.K., N.Duteanu,M. Dan, ,Anodic Degradationof Benzene from Waste Waters",Methods Appliedfor WastewaterControl and Depollution.Regionaland EuropeeanConsolidationandEnlargementof Cooperation,Book of SelectedProceedings, Proceedings,editedby MariaJitaru, Ed. Casa Cartii de Stiinta, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, ISBN: 979-973-133-171-3.
13.-Kellenberger,A.,N.Vaszilcsin,W.Brandl,and N.Duteanu, Kinetics of hydrogen evolutionreactionon skeleton nickeland nickel-titanium electrodesobtained by thermal arc spraying technique.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2007. 32(15): p.3258-3265.
14.-Duteanu,N.,G.Vlachogiannopoulos,M.R.Shivhare,E.H.Yu,andK.Scott, A parametric study of a platinum ruthenium anode in a direct borohydride fuel cell. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2007.37(9): p.1085-1091.
15.-Duteanu,N., K.Scott,N.Vaszilcsin,andA.Kellenberger,Increasing of the performances of direct methanol combustion fuel cells.Revista De Chimie, 2007. 58(12): p.1207-1211.
16.-ErimescuR.,KellenbergerA., DuteanuN., BratuD., VaszilcsinN., Potentiostatic polarization analysis of some dentalallys, Proceedingsof the 7th International SymposiumonMetal Elements in Enironment, Medicine and Biology, Timisoara, 05.11.2006, pag121, ISBN973-620-238-0.
18.-N. Vaszilcsin, A.Kellenberger,M.Nemes,N.Duteanu, M.L.Dan,MethanolElectrooxidationon SkeletonNi Based Electrodes. Chem.Bull.Politeh.Univ.Timisoara,2004.49(63)(1):p.57-60.
19.-M.Dan,N.V.,A.Kellenberger,N.Duteanu, Metalremoval from dilute solutions usingvibratingelectrodes.II. Nickelremoval. Analele Univ. “Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, Seria Chimie, 2004: p.41 -47.
20.-N.Duteanu, M.Ursulescu, N.Vaszilcsin, M.Dan, A.Kellenberger, Studii asupra fosfatarii electrochimice a oteluluicarbon,AnaleleUniv.“Aurel Vlaicu”,Arad,SeriaChimie,2004,48-55.
22.-N.Duteanu,P.Colinot,M.Pilloz, N.Vaszilcsin, S.Ignat, D.Grevey, Etudes de la corrosion des couches minces en acier inoxy able obtenues avec l’aide du laser, Simpozion Appl. Haute technologie, Universite de Bourgogne,Franta,2002,pag.70.
Lucrari prezentate la conferinte:
1.-Dan,M., Pralong,V., Vaszilcsin, N., Kellenberger, A., Duteanu, N., Electrochemical Behaviour of YBaCo4O7 in alakaline aqueous solutions, Second Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry: South–East Europe, 6-10 June 2010, Belgrade, Serbia.
2.-Dan, M., Vaszilcsin, N., Kellenberger,A., Duteanu,N., ElectrochemicalBehaviourof YBaCo4O7in neutralaqueoussolutions, Second Regional Symposiumon Electrochemistry: South – East Europe, 6-10 June 2010, Belgrade, Serbia.
3.-DuteanuN., Scott K., KellenbergerA., VaszilcsinN., Parametricstudyof directmethanolfuel cells, Journeesd’Electrochimie,Sinaia, Roumanie, 6-10 Juillet 2009.
4.-Ghangrekar,M.M., S.S.R. Murthy, M. Behera,andN. Duteanu, Effect of sulfateconcentrationin the wastewateron microbialfuel cell performance, Journees d’Electrochimie, Sinaia, Roumanie, 6-10 Juillet 2009.
5.-DuteanuN.,Scott K.,Vaszilcsin N.,Parametric study of direct borohydride fuel cells with Nafion(N117) membrane, Solid State Chemistry Conference, Cancun 10–13 March 2008.
6.-Duteanu N., Scott K., Kellenberger A., Vaszilcsin N.,Parametric study of direct methanol fuel cells, Solid State Chemistry Conference, Cancun 10–13 March 2008.
7.-N.Duţeanu, K.Scott, N.Vaszilcsin, Parametric study of direct borohydride fuel cells,Journees d’Electrochimie 2007, Lyon
8.-N.Duţeanu, A.Kellenberger, K.Scott, Parametric study of directmethanol fuel cells, Journees d’Electrochimie 2007, Lyon
9.-M.R. Shivhare,C.L. Jackson,N.M.Duţeanu, K. Scott,E.B. Martin, DirectMethanolFuelCellPerformanceImprovementUsingDesignof Experiments,H2ExpoInternational Conference and Trade Fair on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies,October25–26,2006,Hamburg.
11.-A.Kellenberger, N.Vaszilcsin, N.Duteanu, Investigations of thermal arc sprayed Ni and Cu based skeleton electrodes. PartI. Deposition of the precursorNi-Al andCu-Al coatings, Proceedingsof the microCAD2005InternationalScientificConference,Universityof Miskolc,10 -11 March,2005,59-64.
12.-N.Duteanu, M.Ursulescu, N.Vaszilcsin, M.Dan ,A.Kellenberger, Studii asupra fosfatarii electrochimice a otelului carbon, Analele Univ. “Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, 8–10 nov. 2004.
13.-M.Dan,N.Vaszilcsin,A.Kellenberger,N.Duteanu, Metal removalfrom dilutesolutionsusingvibratingelectrode.III. Zinc removal, Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, 6-th International Symp. Timisoara, 8-10 nov.2004.
14.-R. Sabou, N. Duteanu, D. Bratu, N. Vaszilcsin, Comportamentulla coroziunein vitroal unor aliajedentarenenobilepentrurestaurari protetice fixe, 9th International Symposium "The Stomatological Days in Banat" Milenium III esthetic stomatology. Timisoara, 20 –22mai,2004.
15.-N.Duteanu, P.Colinot, M.Pilloz, N.Vaszilcsin, S.Ignat, D.Grevey, Etudes de la corrosion des couches minces en acier inoxydable obtenues avec l’aidedu laser, Simpozion Appl. Haute technologie,Universitede Bourgogne,Franta, iunie2002.
- Bioresource Technology.
- Bioelectrochemistry.
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
Proiecte de cercetare
1. Proiect FP7 211517 – UNIQUE - Integration of particulate abatement, removal of trace elements and tar reforming in one biomass steam gasification reactor yielding high purity syngas for efficient CHP and power plants, 2008 - 2010; membru in echipa de cercetare.
2. Proiect de cercetare FP6 - Contract: MTKD-CT-2004-517215- BMFC, membru in echipa de cercetare (Newcastle University, UK).