Dan Mircea
Pagina Principala

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Pagina facultatii
Centre de cercetare

2008-2009: Cercetător în Laboratoire des Matériaux of Cristallographie et Science (CRISMAT) - ENSICAEN, Caen, France, în cadrul colectivului Nouveaux Matériaux; direcții decercetare: sinteza de noi materiale cu structură perovskitică și corelații "structură-proprietăți";

2011-2014: Cercetător, Universitatea POLITEHNICA Timișoara, Facultatea de Chimie Industrială și Ingineria Mediului, Title proiectului de cercetare: "Hydrogen Production from Black Sea Water-Driven By Sulfide fuel Cell" - HYSULFCEL - BS-ERA.NET 7-046/2011;

2006-2008: Cercetător, Universitatea POLITEHNICA Timișoara, Facultatea de Chimie Industrială și Ingineria Mediului, Title proiectului de cercetare: "Fuel Cells H2-O2 (air) and anion exchange membrane electrodes based on non-noble metals" - Grant de cercetare 226/2006;


 [1]   M. Dan, V.D. Craia-Joldes, N. Duteanu, Electrochemical oxygen uptake/release process over Y0.5Ca0.5BaCo4O7±δ  electrodes in alkaline solution, New Trends And Strategies In The Chemistry Of Advanced Materials With Relevance In Biological Systems, Technique And Environmental Protection, Timisoara, Romania, p.25, 2014, ISSN 2065-0760.
 [2]   M. Dan, N. Duteanu, A. Nenicioiu, L. Preda, Effect of Y3+ substitution with Ca2+ on the electrochemical behaviour of Y-112 cobalt perovskite, New Trends And Strategies In The Chemistry Of Advanced Materials With Relevance In Biological Systems, Technique And Environmental Protection, Timisoara, Romania, p.45, 2014, ISSN 2065-0760.
 [3]   M. Dan, N. Vaszilcsin, A. Kellenberger, N. Duteanu, V. Pralong, Electrochemical studies on M(Y, Ca)BaCo4O7 in aqueous solution, 4th Regional South East Europe Symposium of Electrochemistry, Ljublijana, Slovenia, p.104, 2013.
 [4]   M. Dan, N. Vaszilcsin, T. Toma, B. Pancan, N. Duteanu, Electrochemical behaviour of YBaFe2O5+δ in alkaline electrolyte, Chem. Bull. “Politehnica” Univ. (Timisoara),  57 (2), p. 99 -101, 2012.
 [5]   M. Dan, V. Pralong, N. Vaszilcsin, A. Kellenberger, N. Duteanu, Electrochemical behaviour of YBaCo4O7 in alkaline aqueous solution, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 15 (6), p.1227 – 1233, 2011.
 [6]   M. Dan, N. Vaszilcsin, A. Kellenberger, N. Duteanu, Electrochemical behaviour of YBaCo4O7 in neutral aqueous solution, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia,  56 (1), p.119 – 127, 2011.
 [7]   M. Dan, N. Vaszilcsin, A. Borza, N. Duteanu, Voltammetric studies of YBaCo2O5 in neutral aqueous solution, Chem. Bull. “Politehnica” Univ. (Timisoara), 55 (2), p.162 -166, 2010.
 [8]   M. Dan, V. Pralong, A. Kellenberger, N. Duteanu, Electrochemical behavior of YBaCo4O7 in alkaline aqueous solution, 2nd Regional Symp. on Electrochemistry of SE Europe Belgrade, Serbia, 6-10 iunie, 2010.
 [9]   M.Dan, N.Vaszilcsin, A.Kellenberger, N.Duteanu, Electrochemical behavior of YBaCo4O7 in neutral aqueous solution, 2nd Regional Symp. on Electrochemistry of SE Europe Belgrade, Serbia, 6-10 iunie, 2010.
[10]   M.Dan, V.Pralong, N.Vaszilcsin, A.Kellenberger, N.Duteanu, Electrochemical behavior of YBaCo4O7 in alkaline aqueous solution, 2nd Int. Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Eng., Timisoara, 27-29 mai 2010, ISSN2068-374X.
[11]   A.Kellenberger, N.Vaszilcsin, N.Duţeanu, M.L.Dan,W.Brandl, Structure, morphology and electrochemical properties of high surface area copper electrodes obtained by thermal spraying techniques, Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai, Chemia, 53(1), p.89-96, 2008.
[12]   A.Kellenberger, N.Vaszilcsin, N.Duteanu, M.L.Dan, Kinetics of aluminum dissolution reaction in skeleton nickel electrode preparation, Proc of 9th Int. Conf. on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, 24-26 Sept, p.273-275, 2008.
[13]   N.Duteanu, K.Scott, N.Vaszilcsin, A.Kellenberger, M.Dan, Parametric study of direct borohydride fuel cells, First Regional Symp. on Electrochemistry of SE Europe, Rovinj, Croatia, p.159-161, 2008.
[14]   A. Kellenberger, N. Plesu, M. Dan, N. Vaszilcsin, Preparation and characteriza-tion of PANI-modified anion exchange membrane, Journees d’Electrochimie, Lyon, 2007.
[15]   N. Vaszilcsin, A. Kellenberger, N. Duteanu, M. Dan, Anodic Degradation of Benzene from Waste Waters, Book of Selected Proc, Int. Conf. B.EN.A.-ICAI, Alba Iulia, p.59-63, 2007.
[16]   N.Duţeanu, A.Kellenberger, N.Vaszilcsin, M.Dan, Influenţa temperaturii asupra performanţelor pilelor de combustie directe cu metanol, Simpozionul „Protectia Mediului in contextul integrarii europene”, Timisoara, 5 iunie 2007, p.333-338, ISSN 978-973-625-465-9.
[17]   M.Dan, N.Vaszilcsin, N.Duţeanu, A.Kellenberger, Utilizarea electrodului vibrat la extragerea metalelor grele din soluţii apoase diluate provenite din industria galvanică. Extragerea staniului, Simpozionul „Protectia Mediului in contextul integrarii europene”, Timisoara, 5 iunie 2007, p.347-355, ISSN 978-973-625-465-9.
[18]   A.Kellenberger, N.Vaszilcsin, M.Dan, Investigations of thermal arc sprayed Ni and Cu based skeleton electrodes. Part II. Activation by alkaline leaching, Proc. of the microCAD 2005, Univ. of Miskolc, p.65-70, 10-11 March, 2005.
[19]   N.Duteanu, N.Vaszilcsin, A.Kellenberger, M.L.Dan, Skeleton nickel electrodes for anion exchange membrane fuel cells, Chem.Bull.Politeh. Univ.Tmş. 50(64), 1, p.1-4, 2005.
[20]   M.Dan, N.Vaszilcsin, A.Kellenberger, N.Duţeanu, Metal removal from dilute solutions using vibrating electrodes. II. Nickel removal, Analele Univ. “Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, Seria Chimie, p.41-47, 2004.
[21]   N.Duţeanu, M.Ursulescu, N.Vaszilcsin, M.Dan, A.Kellenberger, Studii asupra fosfatării electrochimice a oţelului carbon, Analele Univ. “Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, Seria Chimie, p.48-55, 2004.
[22]   N.Vaszilcsin, A.Kellenberger, M.Nemeş, N.Duţeanu, M.L.Dan, Methanol Electrooxidation on Skeleton Ni Based Electrodes, Chem.Bull.Politeh. Univ.Tmş. 49(63), 1, p.76-79, 2004.
[23]   M. Dan, N. Vaszilcsin, A Kellenberger, M. Niculescu, N. Pop, Influence of the Quaternary Ammonium Salts on the Galvanic Deposition of Zinc from Weak Acid Baths, Chem.Bull.Politeh. Univ.Tmş. 47(61), p.66-70, 2002.
[24]   M. Niculescu, A.Kellenberger, R. Dumitru, L.C. Muresan, M. Dan, N. Vaszilcsin,M. Birzescu, Molecular and crystalline structure of M(II)-polynuclear coordination compounds with oxidation products of diols as ligands. Part I. Molecular structure of Ni(II) and Co(II)-polynuclear coordination compounds with oxidation products of 1,2- and 1,3-propanediol as ligands, Chem.Bull.Politeh. Univ.Tmş. 47(61), p.25-30, 2002.
[25]   M.Dan, N.Vaszilcsin, A.Kellenberger, N.Duţeanu, Metal removal from dilute solutions using vibrating electrode. III. Zinc removal, Proc. of  6th Int. Symp. on Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology  Timişoara, p.353-358, 8-10 nov.2004, ISSSN 973-620-119-8.
[26]   M.Dan, N.Vaszilcsin, A.Kellenberger, Ioana Morar, Metal removal from dilute solutions using vibrating electrode. I. Copper removal, Simp. de comunicări ştiinţifice XXXV, Agenţia de Cercetare pentru Tehnică şi Tehnologii Militare, Bucureşti, p.693-698, 27-28 mai 2004, ISSN 973-0-03501-6.
[27]   M. Dan, A. Kellenberger, N. Vaszilcsin, N. Duteanu, Voltammetric studies of YBaCo2O5 in alkaline aqueous solution, în curs de publicare.
[28]   M. Dan, N. Vaszilcsin, V.D. Craia-Joldes, N. Duteanu, Electrochemical behaviour of Y0.5Ca0.5BaCo4O7 in alkaline solutions, în curs de publicare.

Participări la conferințe:

- 2nd Regional Symp. on Electrochemistry of SE Europe Belgrade, Serbia, 6-10 iunie, 2010, poster: Electrochemical behavior of YBaCo4O7 in neutral aqueous solution;
- 2nd Regional Symp. on Electrochemistry of SE Europe Belgrade, Serbia, 6-10 iunie, 2010, poster: Electrochemical behavior of YBaCo4O7 in alkaline aqueous solution;
- 2nd Int. Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Eng., Timisoara, 27-29 mai 2010,poster: Electrochemical behavior of YBaCo4O7 in alkaline aqueous solution;
- 4th Regional South East Europe Symposium of Electrochemistry, Ljublijana, Slovenia, poster: Electrochemical studies on M(Y,Ca)BaCo4O7 in aqueous solution;
- New Trends And Strategies In The Chemistry Of Advanced Materials With Relevance In Biological Systems, Technique And Environmental Protection, Timisoara, Romania,poster: Effect of Y3+ substitution with Ca2+ on the electrochemical behaviour of Y-112 cobalt perovskite;
- New Trends And Strategies In The Chemistry Of Advanced Materials With Relevance In Biological Systems, Technique And Environmental Protection, Timisoara, Romania,poster: Electrochemical oxygen uptake/release process over Y0.5Ca0.5BaCo4O7±δ  electrodes in alkaline solution.

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